
Abdominal Pain

Abdominal Pain :


Abdominal pain is a common condition that will affect everybody at one point or another. Most cases are caused by indigestion, gas, food sensitivities, and other factors that generally aren’t a cause for concern. There are other cases, however, where abdominal pain is a symptom of more dangerous or life-threatening conditions, such as: appendicitis, gall bladder infection, pancreatitis, aneurysm, diverticulitis, limited blood flow to the intestines, or a bleeding or perforated ulcer. If you are experiencing abdominal pain, it is important to seek emergency care quickly, especially if the following symptoms are present:

  •  Your pain is a result of trauma, such as a car accident or fall.
  •  Your abdomen is swollen or sore to the touch
  •  You are feeling dizzy or short of breath or fainting
  •  You are vomiting blood or experiencing persistent nausea
  •  You are urinating blood or have black/bloody stools
  •  Your pain is accompanied by a fever or chest pain
  •  You’ve had so much vomiting or diarrhea and are dehydrated
  •  Your pain may be a post-surgical complication
  •  Your pain is severe or unrelenting
  •  Your pain is possibly due to a complication of pregnancy

Seek Immediate Emergency Care for Severe Abdominal Pain Symptoms
You should seek immediate emergency care for severe abdominal pain, as prompt diagnosis and treatment can alleviate pain and suffering immediately. Don’t delay care. Some of the most common causes of abdominal pain symptoms include pancreatitis, kidney stones, and diabetic ketoacidosis.

Where to Go for Abdominal Pain Treatment?
For prompt abdominal pain treatment from experienced physicians, visit The Emergency Center Daya in Valappad,Thrissur. Our fully equipped, freestanding emergency room features the same capabilities as a hospital emergency room (ER), but have shorter wait times and a more peaceful atmosphere than a bustling, overcrowded medical center. Our board-certified emergency medicine physicians, staff and ER-trained nurses treat patients of all ages with abdominal pain in a modern, comfortable setting.

How We Handle Abdominal Pain Treatment
As a patient at The Emergency Center, our physicians will carefully evaluate your condition and identify the source of your discomfort. Our facility is equipped with advanced diagnostic technology that allows our physicians to swiftly diagnose and treat patients with abdominal pain or other issues. Once an accurate diagnosis has been made, you will receive a personalized treatment plan designed to restore your health as quickly and conveniently as possible. Before you leave our facility, you will be provided with an discharge documents that explains your diagnosis and at-home care instructions, and a med pack with up to 72 hours of any necessary medications, so you can head straight home and rest. If you need abdominal pain treatment that’s fast and effective, choose The Emergency Center. Our Daya Emergency Centre, Valappad location is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Do you know the difference between breaks & sprains?
It is hard to tell the difference between breaks and sprains, because the symptoms are so similar, but there are a few distinguishing signs to keep in mind.

What Is a Sprain?
A sprain is when you damage the ligaments (the stretchy bands that hold your bones in place and help keep the joint stable). You usually hear a popping sound with a sprain.

What Is a Break?
A break is a fracture in the continuity of the bone, and you usually hear a cracking sound with a break.

What Are the Distinguishing Signs?
Even though initial symptoms may be similar, bone breaks are often more severe in nature and the recovery time is much longer. See symptoms below:

Symptoms of Bone Breaks

  •  Bruising
  •  Pain with movement
  •  Swelling
  •  Tenderness (directly over bone)
  •  Limb is in an unnatural position (deformity)
  •  Movement in limb where there is no joint
  •  Bone protruding from skin
  •  Numbness or tingling
  •  Unable to use limb
  •  Unable to walk
  •  Recovery time may take up to 6 weeks to several months

Symptoms of Sprains

  •  Bruising
  •  Pain with movement
  •  Swelling
  •  Tenderness (over soft tissue area)
  •  Recovery time is within days

If ever in doubt about the extent of the injury, keep in mind that immediate emergency care is needed if the patient cannot walk more than 4 steps without excruciating pain or if the patient is experiencing numbness and tingling. Rest assured the emergency physician will evaluate the symptoms and the injury, then establish a treatment plan to ensure proper healing.

What Can You Do For Breaks and Sprains?
First and foremost, it is important to put the patient AT EASE:

Assess the extent of the injury as best you can. Treat the injury like a bone break until you can get an x-ray. Ease the patient’s mind with some tender loving care. Apply ice (wrapped in a towel) to reduce swelling. Splint and support injury with pillows and blankets. Elevate injured part (if possible) to reduce swelling.

Unrecognised abdominal injury is a frequent cause of preventable death after trauma.Most blows to the abdomen aren't serious. But a severe blow can cause internal bleeding and shock, which can be life-threatening.Injuries to the abdomen are considered either open or closed.They can involve hollow and/or solid organs

Blunt trauma to abdomen without breaking the skin

Mechansisms of injury

Steering wheel

Bicycle handlebars

Motorcycle collisions



Poorly placed lap belt

Being run over by a vehicle


Fast-moving vehicle strikes an immoveable object.

Open abdominal injuries-

Foreign object enters abdomen and opens peritoneal cavity to outside-knife,gun wound

Symptoms and signs

abdominal pain and vomiting

altered mental status

bleeding from urethra

bleeding wound in abdominal and pelvic area-blunt trauma or penetrating trauma(knife, gunshot)

When the injury is serious
What to look out for
Danger signs after someone has received a severe blow to the abdomen include the following:

  •  The abdomen is hard or tender, which can be a sign of internal bleeding.
  •  Extensive bruising, a possible sign that something is going on underneath the skin.
  •  Tenderness in the chest area. This may indicate that there are rib fractures, which can cause damage to internal organs such as the spleen or a lung. Tenderness over               one or more ribs is a good reason to see a doctor.
  •  Pressing on the abdomen causes severe pain.
  •  There's bleeding from the rectum, vagina, or urethra (i.e., there's blood in the urine).
  •  The victim feels nauseated or vomits.

Also be alert to the symptoms of shock, another sign that the blow may have caused internal bleeding. Call or get the victim to an emergency medical facility immediately if the following symptoms are present or develop after the injury:

  •  Rapid pulse (over 100 beats per minute)
  •  Lightheadedness or a drop in blood pressure
  •  Cold, clammy skin
  •  Confusion or memory loss
  •  Restlessness or fearfulness
  •  Thirst

While waiting for emergency help to arrive, take these steps:

  •  Check the victim's airway to make sure it is clear. Check his or her breathing and pulse. If the person isn't breathing or you do not detect a pulse, begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation immediately.
  •  If the person shows signs of shock, begin first aid for shock immediately.
  •  Don't give the person anything to eat or drink for several hours after the injury, even if he or she asks for it.

For minor injuries
If you do not observe any of the serious signs listed above, the most important thing to do is make the person comfortable and keep an eye out for changes in his or her condition. Have the injured person lie down and elevate the feet above the level of the heart. Loosen any tight clothing. Use a blanket to keep the person warm. In most cases, if the injury is minor, eating or drinking should not be a problem. In fact, if the person has diabetes or is dehydrated, food and liquids are necessary, and withholding them can be harmful. If you're worried about the safety of eating and drinking, it's probably best to seek medical attention. While the person is resting, monitor pulse and breathing. A rapid pulse or very rapid or slow breathing may indicate internal bleeding or shock. If you observe any signs of trouble, call or get the victim to an emergency medical facility immediately. clinical assessment First step is the ABCDE (airway, breathing, circulation, disability, and exposure/environment control) assessment, according to the advanced trauma life support (ATLS) guidelines and includes a haemodynamic stability evaluation. In the presence of any one, or a combination of, the following criteria a patient is considered haemodynamically unstable: a systolic blood pressure below 90 mmHg, a heart beat rate above 110 bpm, or in the presence of clinical signs of insufficient organ perfusion.

What all we do at our centre
Primary and secondary assessment of the patient Primary investigations including all basic xrays,ecg,acid blood gas evaluation and catheterization Ultrasound abdomen –FAST and EFAST and point of care ultrasound evaluation to know the hemodynamic stability of the patient Basic wound care CT scan to assess the extent of injury Stabilization of the patient and timely referral to higher Centre if the patient requires definite surgical management and further evaluation. Proper counseling and discharge advise while at discharge including all the necessary advise to follow and what all the patient to do if the symptoms persists and when to return to hospital.